Getting Started

Want to become a Ham Radio Operator? Here’s how!

The quest to become a licensed amateur radio operator begins with studying to pass the FCC test for a Technician level license.   There are numerous on-line resources that can be used to assist you in this process as well as on-line or in person classes regularly held in most areas.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the primary interface between Amateur Radio Operators and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The ARRL maintains a list of classes held across the country.  They can be found HERE!

Additional class listings can be found by contacting local amateur radio clubs.

On-line resources include ARRL on-line sample tests which are quite popular.  They are available to all ARRL members.  (ARRL membership is $49/yr) also has a free question base when studying for the Technician license test.

The most common way to study for the exam is to purchase a copy of  ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, 5th editionIt will contain all of the questions on the exam.

When you are able  to correctly answer the majority of the test questions, you are ready to take your exam.  The ARRL website will allow you to find where local tests for the Technician license are to be held.

Contact the local Volunteer Examiner test administration group and schedule your test. Check our clubs calendar for VE Sessions.

Before you can be granted a license you must have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) issued by the FCC.  To get your registration number go to the FCC site.

For more information and detailed instructions on getting an FCC Registration Number (FRN), visit our FCC Forms and Registrations page.

After you have your FRN you can take the exam.

Once you have passed the exam the required paperwork will be submitted to the FCC where you will be issued a callsign and it will be entered into the FCC database.  As soon as your callsign shows up in the database you can become an active amateur radio operator. 

Instructions on how to check on your status can be found HERE!